How do I stay motivated to draw?
Date: 1st Feburary 2024
Hey artists!
Have you ever found yourself wanting to draw but lacking motivation?
Here are some simple tips that might help you out!
Tip 1: Finding new inspirations
Finding new people who's art you really like can really inspire you! The best way to do this is look through art tags on social media or the art section of YouTube - even a day trip to a
museum may help!
Tip 2: Try a new medium or brush
For traditional artists, do you always sketch but never do lineart? Why not try doing pen only! For digital artists, Do you always use a painterly brush? Why not try a flagt pen brush! I always love discovering new brushes and new mediums, I recently purchased some paint pens and testing myself with a limited colour pallette has been a fun challenge. In addition, I recently also broke my old laptop meaning I had to start with a fresh install of my art programme ;-; Losing all my previous brushes has pushed me out of my comfort zone to try something new!
Tip 3: Try a new style
Now this may seem daunting at first, but trust me, experementation is always good. To expand further, you could try to replicate the style of your favourite cartoon or anime, trying replicating the style of your favourite artist or do something similar to the "evil artstyle" trend - try draw thing the exact opposite of how you would usually. Experimenting with styles can allow you to gain more skils and understand what does into the thing you like and why you like them, allowing you to incorporate these elements into your own artworks and youe own style.
Bonus: My favourite art YouTube channel
As someone who started drawing when I was around 11 years old and grew up in the age of The Internet it's not surprise that I have a vast back catalogue of art YouTubers. One personal favourite of mine are Doodle Date - Run by Adam (adamosketches) and Steph (stephasocks); a British & Autistic couple who have been making art challenges and vlogs for 8 years! They have a fantastic collection of videos doing fun challenges and trying new things. It's always fun to watch their videos, and if you're lacking some motivation why not watch one of their videos, grab your sketchbook, and doodle along with them!