Madobe Nanami is an OS-Tan created by Microsoft in 2009 as a mascot for Windows 7 in Japan. OS-Tan means Operating System-Tan; the characters being moe-ified versions of different opperating systems. The first 7777 copies of Windows 7 there were sold came with a CD that featured Madobe, with thing such as themes, wallpapers, sound & a bonus track. You can see a video about Madobe by Michael MJD here.
In addition to this, more Windows OS-Tan's were created and another CD was released showing concept art and development of the characters and illustrations. Nanami was the first officially licsened OS-Tan, as other prior were not made by the company producing the OS. In 2014, a 3 episode ONA featuring Nanami was aired, entitled Ao no Butai ni Omoi wo Yosete. It shows a short story of Nanami working at a store in Akihabara, and another employee is having trouble with Windows 7. He wants to solve it himself in the hopes to win the affect of Claudia, the OS-Tan for Windows Azure.

Madobe Nanami was born in 1992-04-06 (release date of Windows 3.1) and was 17 years of age at the time of release. She lives in Chiyoda, Tokyo. Nanami is among an extented family of 16 members, an Elder Brother named Goichi, Elder Sister named Mutsumi, Mother named Mikaho (Madobe family) and Father named Kyuuachi (Shirato family). Claudia is also Nanami's cousin, and they both later appeared in Microsoft's Cloud Girl comic strip.